Top Consulting Firm in South Florida

At Louis Mamo & Company our professionals analyze businesses and create solutions while also helping companies meet their goals.

With South Florida being one of the major business hubs, Louis Mamo & Company has the unique ability to provide a wide array of support services to clients anywhere in the United States.

What We Do and How We Do It

At its very core Business Consulting provides management assistance by showing a business entity or organization a way to improve its performance and efficiency.

Identify problems

Provide objectivity

Provide expertise in a specific market or industry

Start the process of change or transition

Create a new business

Revive an organization

Teach and train employees

Supplement the existing staff

Influence others (like lobbyists)

Looking for professional accounting, tax services & bookkeeping services? Get in touch with us today!

Our Process


Step 1 - Discovery phase

We at Louis Mamo & Company, take the time to learn as much as possible about the business from the owner and its employees.

This can include touring a facility, meeting with a board of directors and employees, analyzing the financials, and reading all company materials.

During this process, we will uncover the details of a company’s mission and what operations are in place.


Step 2 - Evaluation Phase

The goal is to identify where change is needed. This includes identifying the company’s strengths, weaknesses, and current and foreseeable problems.

These can include problems already seen by ownership and management and new problems we identify through objective observations. When and where applicable, we will also identify opportunities to grow the business, increase profits and boost efficiency.


Step 3 - The Result

An owner needs to take our findings and recommendations at this stage as constructive advice, not as a criticism of how they have operated their business. As business consultants, we bring objectivity and a fresh viewpoint, whereas the owner is often too close or emotionally attached to the company.


plan of action

Our Plan of Action

It’s important to understand that we have the insight and know-how to transform your company.

Once we agree on a plan, we enter the third phase of consulting, the restructuring phase, or the plan’s implementation. In this phase, we build on assets, eliminate liabilities, monitor progress on the project, and adjust it as needed.

Louis Mamo & Company will draw from various tried-and-true programs and unique innovations to help boost and solidify customer loyalty for your company or organization. We will also help you develop a more robust infrastructure and administration and improve employee efficiency and morale.

To begin the Business Consulting process, please call us at (954) 942-1120